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Cu o singura exceptie, toti provin de la Colegiul Gojdu si au ales sa-si continue studiile acolo. Anul acesta, la Evaluarea Nationala proportia candidatilor cu medii mai mari sau egale cu 5 a fost de 75,86% iar la bacalaureat promovabilitatea a fost de 76,5%
For the decoration, you will need confectioners’ sugar and edible markers. To make the batter for the balloon cake: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients until well combined, cea mai bună casă oradea. Pour half the batter into an 8?8-inch cake pan and spread it evenly. Place a few helium-inflated balloons in the center of the batter. Bake for 25 minutes or until Golden Brown on top. Allow to cool before frosting with confectioners’ sugar and edible markers. Looking to take your party decorations to new heights? From balloons to baking birthday cake with name , there are plenty of creative ways to make your celebration stand out. Here are five fun DIY ideas for your next birthday bash: Balloon Cake with Name: This whimsical cake is perfect for a child’s birthday party. Layer white and pink balloons on a chocolate cake, then frost the cake with colorful icing. If you have an enormous balloon, you can use it as the cake’s base; if not, serve the cake cut into small squares. Personalized Cupcakes: These adorable cupcakes are perfect for a grown-up bash. Add your loved one’s name or initials to each frosted cupcake, then decorate them with fresh flowers or elegant berries. You can also try this fun idea: Make individual ‘mini cakes’ by cutting a regular-sized cupcake in half and filling it with your favorite flavored cream cheese frosting (don’t forget the edible name tag!
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