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Sport should be one of the means of reconciliation not of wider division – the protests of some ignore the reality of what active service experience the two world wars proclaimed – that between front-line soldiers there is no real personal hatred. The German soldier and the British tommy were only obeying orders. Moreover what have racialism and past national antagonisms to do with this game of football – one would think that the player was the Belsen Camp commandant – when born a German he had to do his duty as a German. He was considered to be a war hero and it was claimed that when he was introduced to Trautmann he had said: “There’s no war in this dressing-room, we welcome you as any other member of the staff, strategii de pariere de succes. Just make yourself at home, and good luck. The catcalls started as soon as Bert Trautmann emerged from the tunnel. Chants by the Bolton supporters such as “Nazi” and “Heil Hitler” continued right through the game. Bolton won the game 3-0 and Trautmann was considered to be at fault for the first goal. Before his first home game, Alexander Altmann, the communal rabbi of Manchester, urged the fans to treat Trautmann with respect: “Each member of the Jewish Community is entitled to his own opinion, but there is no concerted action inside the community in favour of this proposal (to force him out of the club). Despite the terrible cruelties we suffered at the hands of the Germans, we would not try to punish an individual German, who is unconnected with these crimes, out of hatred. If this footballer is a decent fellow, I would say there is no harm in it. Each case must be judged on its own merits. Later, I went into the Jewish community and tried to explain things. I tried to give them an understanding of the situation for people in Germany in the 1930s and their bad circumstances. I asked if they had been in the same position, under a dictatorship, how they would have reacted?
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