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Exisa deja un mare topic – Revolut Spaima Bancilor, dar am preferat sa fac un rezumat. Voi incerca sa explic simplu si pas-cu-pas de ce e bun Revolut si cum trebuie folosit. Nu exista interfata WEB, exista doar APP (IOS si Android). Luati din App Store respectiva aplicatie si creati-va cont. Confirm si eu ca cel putin la ING nu se percep comisioane la operatiunea de top up in contul de Revolut. In general nu vad de ce, pentru contul in LEI ar folosi cineva alta banca, in afara de ING. Aceasta este abordarea Google pentru a oferi securitate cu mai multe niveluri. Intrega procedura de creare cont Revolut se realizeaza prin aplicatie telefonica. Trebuie sa ai doar telefonul la indemana, acces la internet si o carte de identitate, pasaport sau permis de conducere. La un moment dat o sa ti se ceara sa pozitionezi actul de identitate in fata camerei telefonului pentru confirmarea identitatii

A mobile casino works in a very similar way to the online casinos that you may access through a URL/Website link. Mobile casinos are clones of their websites, with many big casino providers trying to force the display on mobile casinos to only change the website, making the apps or website hard to use, recuperare cont revolut. However, some mobile casinos ‘ create a new and more optimized layout and user experience. Casinos like PartyCasino do have a website, however, have a more optimized and slightly better casino app and mobile form. This means that they have spent time and taken care of any issues that might arise from players on mobile. Mobile casinos in general though will let you place bets and deposit in the same way as you would online. The only difference that most people will notice is that the games are slightly different (sizing-wise, because your phone is too small to have large games so are often compressed), and you may also be granted ApplePay or GooglePay (SamsungPay too) as payment options which you may not be able to do online. This is usually native to the phone you’re on, and the payment options the mobile casino are open to accepting. Are there any downsides to a Mobile casino? Whilst there are quite a few benefits to using a mobile casino, there are a few downsides but not so many that mean you shouldn’t give it a go! Let’s find out some of the downsides; At the moment, there are quite a few mobile casinos that you can use and try ‘ however, online casinos are still struggling with the technology to optimize and make mobile casino games and user experience better. We know that major casino brands are working on this, but at the moment ‘ it’s not all the way there which might be why it’s still a little uncommon. If you’re someone who is hard of hearing, or hard of sight and can’t review anything on a small screen ‘ then pressing buttons and trying to play bets on a mobile casino may be tough for you. Not only this, but most casinos that have built a website will try to push all the content from the online website casino into a mobile version, which can make things extremely hard to use ‘ and in the worst case, unusable. As we’ve partially covered above, playing on a mobile casino is smaller than if you could on a tablet, or a PC/Desktop device.
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